Amol Ghodke, is an Indian actor from the Pune Maharashtra. The son of a single mother who worked two jobs so he could get a good education. His mother helped foster that passion and it paid off when Amol was accepted into phs School a specialized math and science school. While math was his primary focus there, he also joined the cricket team and the school band. His first experience with acting was being cast in an online premachi offline gosht when he was 20 years old.
Amol Ghodke post graduated (MBA) from Sinhgad college, Pune. After working for five years as a Producer, he decided to move to Pune in 2011 to pursue his acting career full time. a young and dynamic social media manager from Pune who specializes in artist management as well. Over the years, he has managed the events for many celebrities including Shreyas Talpade, Rahul Dev, Abhijeet Sawant, Mugdha Godse, Varun Sharma, Sayaji Shinde, Raqesh Bapat, Hruta Durgule, Sachin Pilgaonkar, Sonali Kulkarni, Shashank Ketkar, Hardeek Joshi, Anita Date, Shruti Marathe, Mrunal Kulkarni, Sanskuri Balgude among others.
As far as managing the digital space, he has handled the pages of celebrities like Sushant Pujari, Vaibhav Ghuge, Deepali Sayed, Shashank Ketkar, Amit Mishra, Punit Balan, Rachita Jadhav, Hardik Joshi, Eshanya Maheshwari, Mayuresh Wadkar, Piyush Ranade, Swapna Waghmare, Namrata Gaikwad, Akshay Waghmare, Ekta Maru and others. One of the key highlights was his meeting with Bollywood star Varun Dhawan. Amol who is a social media savvy was working on a project which landed him to the sets of ‘Street Dancer 3D’. During the shoot of the film, he met the actor and they had a healthy conversation with each other. Amol spoke about his works as an artist manager and how he has been contributing majorly in building social media presence of the Marathi actors. “It was really a great time meeting VD on the film sets. He is really humble and hardworking actor. He not only praised my work but also wished me luck for my work”, said Amol.
Besides handling celebrities, Amol Ghodke also handles many entities from the business world. “I have not restricted my work only to films. I want to explore my work and set a benchmark for myself”, he added. He has also produced a short film titled ‘Online Premachi Offline Gosht’ and ‘Comedy Cocktail’ which are live on YouTube now. His upcoming works include a film titled ‘Rajmudra’ where he will showcase his mettle as an actor. Having experience in these diverse fields has made Amol Ghodke a versatile personality. In 2021 Amol Ghodke awarded by Maharashtra Governor for his selfless work During the time of pandemic everything and everyone had to suffer in one way or another. In such times Amol Ghodke has helped many people in various ways.
He has worked for orphan kids and orphanages on many levels which helped them survive in such times. He gave many donations in these times to whoever needed it. He helped in providing food to people. When many people were not able to get beds and treatments Amol made sure to help them as well. Even while being in the entertainment and digital media industry Amol Ghodke makes sure to always serve the society and our nation in any way possible. His such selfless work is definitely worthy of appreciation, gratitude and felicitation. May he receive many more rewards and awards in the future as well. We thank and appreciate Amol Ghodke for his continuous efforts and wish him all the luck for his future endeavors