There is a freshness to the beginning of the year, filled with resolutions on improvement, both personally and professionally. It is a good time to think creatively on the family front too, be it raising your children or improving the home environment. Small changes during the year will result in some big accomplishments by the end of 2023. As parents, if you are looking to do something new this year, here is a list of four activities that will positively charge your children and home.
1. Family Happiness Jar – You know by savouring small things, you can make life sweeter and happier. This is not only a personal favourite but also a practical way to boost one’s happiness. This one is different from the gratitude jar you may have seen on Instagram. Here is how to create your own Family Happiness Jar with children (and grand-parents, too):
a) Get some nice paper and a jar for each family member
b) Every week, add a note in the jar about a moment of happiness you experienced thanks to one of your family members. The more you fill it up with happy and thankful experiences, the more meaningful it becomes.
c) You can dedicate a morning in the week to do it all together, as each member of the family must do their own
Take this jar along on your next family vacation and unfold these notes or you could do it at the half-year point. Whoa! You will experience sheer joy and bliss, I assure you.
2. Actionable Theme – Your family bonds will strengthen with attention and affection; also, it makes for happier family members. This involves showing your care and concern for your loved ones, prioritising family, and spending quality time together. You could create a theme for any activity your family would like to do and make it interesting, such as “Stories on Sunday” for reading, “Thoughtful Thursday” for heartful talks to each other or doing the happiness jar activity, and “Wellness Wednesday” for exercising together. Make your own themes to bring more fun and happiness into your family!
3. Respectful Home Environment – Disagreements, fights and arguments are not a bad thing at all, but the way you act and react during it might be. Making threats, abusing, throwing things, and not speaking to each other are actions that impact the overall harmonious environment at home. Instead, as adults, you can commit to respectful ways of resolving it. Some actions could involve setting boundaries, giving in at times, and addressing the problem when in a cooler mind, and so on.
4. Use tools for emotional management – With the face-paced life today, emotional distress is a big part of it. You can incorporate healthy coping techniques as situations you’re faced with cause anger, stress, and frustration. The rhythmic tool described below is extremely effective when done daily. This will set an example and show your family members that you are committed to being emotionally healthy.
Rhythmic Breathing Tool:
Inhale to the count of 4, letting your belly fill up with air
Hold for 4 counts
Exhale to the count of 4.
Pause. Repeat again.
Bringing about change and self-improvement comes with consistent effort. Usually, it’s the small consistent actions which give giant results. The journey of parenting and family relationships is by no means easy, but by nurturing your children, meeting the needs of loved ones and looking after yourself, your family unit can be stronger. I hope you incorporate these four actions into your life. Have an incredible year ahead!