Saco, Maine, Sarah Patil was born December 19th. 2006 at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine to Sandeep and Seema Patil. She has a 9-year-old sister named Simmone. When Sarah was born, she was considered a micro-preemie: she weighed 1 pound 4 ounces (450 grams). Preemies’ lungs are generally underdeveloped, so they need to be on oxygen for Days or sometimes months, but Sarah, although the smallest infant in the NICU at the time began to breath on her own in less than an hour.
Her doctor remarked that not only Was she a fighter, but she was a “miracle baby” After seeing how quickly she was improving her doctor allowed her to go home in 2 months’ time even though she only weighed 4.5 pounds. As Sarah got older her parents enrolled her in a variety of activities like gymnastics, ballet and swimming which she enjoyed and had fun doing but being overprotective parents. Seema and Sandeep realized they would not always be there to protect her. They then decided to enroll in a discipline that would teach her not only how to protect herself but built her self-esteem as well. In June of 2012 Sarah’s parents signed her up for Taekwondo a form of martial arts. From day one Sarah had an affinity for the practice and became very focused and determined. Her ability to learn quickly and excel in the discipline inspired her classmates and made Sarah a role model for those around her.
In a year’s time Sarah had excelled to the point where she not only began competing in tournaments and competitions, but she also won more than 98 medals. at the Nationals/Internationals Taekwondo Championships. Knowing Sarah dreamed of becoming an Olympic Champion her parents sought out and found coach Tom Chea who was named the 2010 USA Taekwondo Coach of the Year and who is also a five-time US Cup champion.

Sarah used to practice every weekend with Coach Tom Chea in Warwick Rhode Island and on a daily basis with her father who is a Black belt 1st Dan as a member of the WTF and USAT certified Coach also known first Indian is 2 times Silver medalist at Nationals. During the pandemic everything got changed travelling restrictions, training center, gym was closed. Thus, Sarah encouraged her music hobby, self-thought pianist and guitarist and still professing to learn more every single day. Sarah has started making her own music on her YouTube channel and started singing local events after pandemic over.
Sarah has also received Taekwondo recognition honored from York County Sheriff William L.King.Jr. Maine State Governor Paul LePage and State Senator Susan Collins. Sarah has been featured by many newspapers’ magazine and news channel. You can follow her website on here website all her achievements are listed and also a link is shared on news channels, papers. magazine articles and her inter views on tv news channels in US for success. Sarah gives hope to all parents of premature babies by proving that they can not only thrive but can achieve their highest dreams.
You can follow her on YouTube
Instagram Your encouragement will make achieve her goal.